October 7, 2008


Confession: On an average day, I have more than 20 items checked out from the library, with more on hold. Books, movies, music. I'm a voracious consumer of images and words on random and multitudinous subjects. I'm an addict, a junkie, and the library is my candyman.

Nobody creates in a vacuum. With feed readers and sites like delicious, it's become easy enough to document one's web browsing and inspiration. Once I've returned a book or film to the library, though, that record is cleared.

So I've got this idea - each week, to post a select list of the books/movies/music I've consumed in the past week. Let me know what's on your library card, too!

(Usually I'll try to have a photo with these posts - unfortunately I've returned most of these to the library already!)


fröken lila said...

this is a cool idea! i guess i'll just play the copycat and do the same on my blog...

billie said...

Funny, I have a Godard at home--"Contempt" and some of the Forbidden Hollywood DVD set of pre-code films.

Listening to Lykke Li, Battle of Mice, Clothilde, France Gall, Dead Low Tide.

Trying to finish reading the Louise Brooks bio.

Christy said...

Wow, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I request so many books from the library through "inter-library loan" that they usually have my stuff on a separate shelf when I come in to pick it up. I can't get enough of it, but I think it's a bit burden-some to my librarians.